Causes sponsored by HB Partners
We will support two charities every year, each for 6 months
When a cause that we care about comes to our attention, we support it where we can.
Charities & Communities

The Little Local Book Hub – who are we?
“Like an open air library. Except you don’t have to be a member. And you can keep the books if you want to.”
It all started as a simple idea to make life under the coronavirus lockdown a little bit enjoyable.
Monique Hershkorn, an avid reader, decided to put a box of her unwanted books on the front lawn of her home in Stanmore, Middlesex, so that other residents in her street could enjoy them. There were just 7 books in total, as she has a Kindle and very few paperbacks. She then posted on The Stanmore Group on Facebook for locals to stroll by and grab a free read and invited them to donate a book in exchange. From that modest start, the concept grew and grew.
Over the last two months, more Little Local Book Hubs have opened, and we now have over 25 hubs all over the southern half of the country.
The idea is simple: visit the hub, browse the books, take a few, swap a few! All the books in the hubs are pre-owned, read and donated by local residents. There's no charge, and no membership. Just come along and enjoy!
From time to time, we highlight & support local community causes.
Currently, we are promoting THE LITTLE LOCAL BOOK HUB
We also support local communities.
Each month we will highlight and financially support a community project which means a lot to us.

For other enquiries,or to find out how to set up your own hub,
please email
The Little Local Book Hub on social media!